D.I.S.C. Designed, Intentional, Sustainable Community

N.Tayfun Yalcin from Towards Nature Permaculture is going to present Designed, Intentional, Sustainable Community vision. Sustainability is a hot topic but what is it really? Are we ready to acknowledge the alternative solutions to our current Environmental, Economical and Social problems, even they are totally in another direction comparison to our current system? Localized vs Centralized, is density a good solution to our housing sector? Can Social Housing problem be a solution with Permaculture? How Permaculture can play a crucial role in Housing, Social and Environmental issues? You can maybe find some answers to all these questions. Join us and find out!
Date: 16 Apr 2022
Time: 10.00 am
Place: Erich Salamonstraat No: 135-151, Amsterdam
Language: English
Fee: Free
Only with Reservation: