Brittany Snyder

Adviseur/strateeg, Programma manager, Communicatieprofessional, Concept- of productontwikkelaar, Kunstenaar/creatieve maker, Bewoner, Veranderaar, Ondernemer
Wie is Brittany?

I'm an entrepreneur, connector, idea fosterer, and network builder. I'm from the U.S., and I moved to Amsterdam by myself to have an adventure and support the circular advancement of the city. 

Mijn werk en hobbies

I use my background in design strategy, communications, and consulting to create opportunities to re-imagine how we use "waste" material. Outside of work, I'm an outdoors enthusiast, running lover, book reader, and art maker. I run my own social impact art project to speak out against violence against women and promote female empowerment. 

Mijn omgeving

I appreciate the proximity to a park and all the trees around the neighborhood, but I worry not all areas have that access. Urban tree canopies provide many health, financial, and environmental benefits. I'd like to see this expanded into all neighborhoods of Amsterdam.