Nuno Cabecinha

Wie is Nuno?

I was born in Lisbon (Portugal), studied and lived in Rome for 5 months, have travelled in 24 different countries, and finally moved to Amsterdam in 2014. I've spent the last years pivoting my professional life to become a freelance Sustainability Consultant as I believe there is an immense transitional and creational work to do from the "old" to the "new" world, by helping organisations and individuals rethink why and how they operate, with the focus on creating responsible societal & economic impact and ecological value.

I am also rewiring myself towards zero waste and veganism so I’m exploring the possibilities, educating myself about what are the best practices and alternatives in the market, and joining other people to learn and contribute more about it. I strongly believe in the ethical component which makes me search for companies that are acting on the issues I care about.

Mijn werk en hobbies

Having contributed with 15 years in multinational environments through different positions, levels and organisations - Project Management, Sales Process Management, Contract Management, Marketing & Communications - I am now completely focusing on a more purposeful way of working. I recently started Transitional Future ( working in focus areas such as Sustainable Lifestyles and Energy with Doughnut Economics being the North Star of its projects, and looking for cooperative work to help us bring forward this initiative.

I also worked with Stichting Day of Adaptation ( that inspires organisations for climate action and empowers people to think about their contribution by adding a fun element to it versus the normal doom & gloom of climate change awareness.

As for hobbies: music production; photography; writing; and my (now missing) escape: travel! Also running, cycling and walking to keep both mind and body sharp!

Mijn omgeving

I appreciate the proximity to greenery (park) and to the river (Amstel).

As a bit like throughout the city, there's a lot of construction going on, and I often see examples of misuse of materials that get discarded without any type of filtering or sorting for subsequent reuse, repurpose or recycling. Also, the refurbishing of old buildings is done with cheap and discardable materials, and the options for energy sourcing are still not taking place as desirable. This also includes proper thermal and sound isolation, energy efficieny appliances.

As I live closeby a busy street (Van Woustraat), I would like to see local businesses to be a bit more diverse and inclusive of practices like zero plastic initiatives. There's a lot of single use based activities, mainly food related, that use too much and of the materials that end up not being totally reusable or recycable. Businesses also have a role in people's education and I don't see this passing through enough.

Mijn droom

To create the world we want to live in, through an infectious movement of transparency, cooperation, regenerative, restorative and inclusive practices, making our journey joyous, connected and meaningful. 

Along the way, I learned that:

. in order to solve the right issues, we need to start connecting people and knowledge;

. good business is an opportunity for organisations to have a positive environmental and social impact, and drive profit in the process;

. Being idealistic and pragmatic is equally possible;

. individual choices matter.

 Being able to show the change we want to live in is a long road but one I am really invested in pursuing. I hope to meet you all there! 

Mijn expertise

Consultancy; Research & Analysis; Knowledge Sharing.


Mijn mogelijkheden

Project Management; Project Coordination.

Relevante ervaring

Sales Process Management, Internal Auditing, Contract Management, Marketing & Communications.

During my career, people often came to me for direction, research and strategies to help adjust the vision of their business endeavours. To help more people solving this issue I am now dedicated to transform the way we shape our world and help people towards that path. I experienced that, as a career-changer, being both idealistic and pragmatic is possible by having the flexibility to tweak and adjust along the way while keeping the eyes on the end goal: better lives for people.