
Takeaway Without Throwing Away

Geplaatst op 10 april 2020, 09:04 uur

Ozarka is Packaging as a Service. We replace single-use to-go food containers (afhalen, thuisbezorgd, festivals, catering, meenemen) with reusable, returnable containers. We also provide the infrastructure, and customer experience to keep the containers in circulation. 


Millions of tonnes of single-use food packaging pollutes the environment every year. Whether this packaging is petroleium-based plastic or bio/plant "compostable" materials, it pollutes at every stage of its creation. Our system dramatically reduces this pollution.  Our containers can be reused 1000 times before they are recycled. 

Our wash and santition processes are also circular. We are developing circular heat and gray water extraction technologies that are powered by the electric car grid.  Our distribution and delivery of the containers are also electric. 

Gewenst resultaat 
80% decrease in packaging pollution and waste
80% decrease in raw material and energy to produce and distribute packaging.

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