Irene Maldini


Our initiative to lead a research project entitled "Moving Amsterdam's clothing to the Doughnut" did not suceed yet unfortunately, but we are working on relevant proposals together with others, with the Coalition as a cooperating partner.  This month, we are submitting the following research pre-proposals:

DressWell, a European project led by University of Geneva and including partners in 10 European countries. Our role in the Netherlands is to conduct 4 workshops and wardrobe studies to understand necessary changes in clothing consumption practices. 

Reweaving, a NWA ORC pre proposal (national level) led by Leiden University and including other five Dutch universities. The overal goal of the project is to connect social and environmental challenges in global textile flows and it's very much aligned with the principles of the doughnut. In this project we are leading Work Package 1 aimed at understanding value (in its many dimensions) in relation to clothing usage. 

Circular Society (CiSo), another NWA ORC pre-proposal involving 17 Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences, focusing on plastics and textiles. 

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